11 Methods To Improve Your eCommerce Store’s Security
You would know what sensitive information your customers trust you to manage an eCommerce store. You have spent a lot of time creating the best shopping experience and building relationships with your customers.
They are not at risk.
Over the past few years, eCommerce transactions have been steadily increasing. This has led to significant security breaches in eCommerce, which is a concern. According to the Trustwave Global Security Report retail was the most targeted sector for cyber attacks.
It’s not enough to do the basics. To ensure smooth transactions for your customers, you will need to take additional measures.
This article will provide you with top tips to improve the security of your eCommerce store. These are the Top Tips to Boost Your eCommerce Store’s Security.
1. Your team can be trained to raise awareness about Phishing
Phishing attacks are targeted attacks where hackers use SMS and Emails to impersonate victims. Although the email may appear legitimate, the motive behind it is to steal credentials or personal information.
Phishing attacks account for 36% of all security breaches. These attacks are not only targeted at managers and companies, but also individuals who work in organizations. These hackers could make your employees fall for it and leak sensitive data.
Make security training an integral part of your organization’s culture to avoid this. This will require that you implement change management, and security training be an integral part of employee training.
You will need to create phishing campaigns and make sure employees are aware of the types of phishing attacks. How to stop them. Report them. Enforce real-time reporting. To provide phish threat training for your employees, you can use Sophos.
2. You can take better control of your passwords
Good credential hygiene begins at home. Companies often forget the basic principles of password security, despite the danger to securities.
You should make a habit of never using the same password for any internal system that you use, whether it’s public-facing logins or administrative account passwords. Create unique passwords for each site and set up a schedule for password updates.
Although this sounds complicated, there are many password management tools such as Dashlane that can make it easy.
These tools allow you to sync all passwords on one device, and protect your data. These tools can also be used to generate passwords from encrypted vaults. Your sites can only be accessed locally by using a master password. Remember to change and update your passwords every few months.
Originally published on The Tech Trend