Top 10 Reasons to Switch to PC Gaming
Video games are made into more and different aspects of daily life. There are a myriad of amazing consoles available as well as mobile games have gotten better to the point that phones can play games designed for consoles. But one of the earliest gaming consoles is as popular today as it was in the past that is the PC. The PC is a beast in the realm of gaming. There are numerous reasons it’s the best place to play your favorite games, and console gamers are switching to PC. Here’s why.
Top 10 Reasons to Switch to PC Gaming
Switching to PC gaming from other platforms like consoles has several compelling reasons. Here are some of the key reasons why many gamers choose to make the switch:
1. PCs Are More Powerful Than Consoles
PCs are superior to consoles. If you take it all down to its bare bones, gaming consoles are essentially small computers that can be capable of a lot of the same functions. However, there are certain sacrifices to fit the computer inside a compact gaming console.
Most of the time, there is nothing “minimal” regarding a PC, but there are some truly massive gaming PCs available. In the end, at time’s end, the computer is superior to any console. As a result, PCs simply play games more efficiently.
2. PCs Have Better Graphics Than Consoles
The power of PCs allows users to play games with the highest performance in every aspect. This is not just for graphics. PCs are equipped with top-of-the-line graphics cards that are designed to provide the highest quality of visuals. These advanced technologies can create graphics with up to 8K resolution.
PCs also have a more efficient FPS rate. What the term “FPS” means in the context of gaming is dependent on the specific situation. In this instance, we’re talking about frames per second. Frames are the various images that form motion pictures. Imagine that you draw an outline on the bottom of your notebook, and then quickly flip through the pages in order to bring your character to life. This is exactly what happens within your online game. The more frames you’re experiencing per second, the more smooth your image becomes.
Gaming PCs are able to consistently deliver more than 100 FPS. They also can display images at as high as 8K resolution and maintain reasonable FPS. This is nearly double what consoles can be capable of.
3. Upgrade Your PC
One of the most appealing features of PC is the fact that a large portion of models are modular. The parts are bought independently and connected to the motherboard. This means that you can change components without replacing the entire system.
If you are feeling that your console does not have enough graphics, it’s probably awful. There’s not much you can do to correct the issue other than changing to the latest console.
If you think the graphics card in your PC could use an upgrade, you’re allowed to buy a new one and then replace the particular component while maintaining everything else on your system identical. This gives you more flexibility than what consoles offer.
Originally Published on The Tech Trend